A Community Like No Other
When we started this endeavor, never did we expect the outpouring of support from the community that we have received. Don't misunderstand me, the fact that the people in our community cared about each other was not in doubt. But, with so many nonprofits needing help and reaching out, there was a question if they had room for one more. Have room they did!

Be it a massive food drive at a football game, local businesses reaching out to become donation sites for the Cupboard, or in the most recent situation, a lady who saw our flyer posted at a local business reaching out to us to ask permission to use our logo to conduct a food drive in her community, we are surrounded by support.
We will be eternally grateful for all of the support we have received and offer many thanks to all who have donated of their time and treasure to help alleviate food insecurity among the children and their families in our community.